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Text Input for phones, watches, remote controls, virtual reality, and so on.
Innovative devices need innovative text input
Qwerty keyboards seem to have won the battle for mobile phones, but text input is required in many other circumstances, such on smart watches, remote controls, etc. where there is not enough space for a full keyboard, or not enough compute power for full autocorrect (predictive text) software. In these cases, limited space, limited memory, limited compute, Eatoni is your only option for high quality text-input solutions.

Consulting Services
Maybe you don't want our software, just want us to help you understand what's out there to fill your needs. We've been making text input solutions for some of the biggest manufacturers in the world for nearly 20 years. If your staff is new at this, maybe we can help them get up to speed.
Of course we stand behind all our software installations and will help you resolve any problems that might arise. But, in fact, we've never been called on to do that in all these years. We run extensive tests at integration time to make sure everything will work perfectly in shipped devices.

Eatoni Services